CRM Features Summary Table

Sales Force Automation💰Customer Support Center💰Project Management💰Ultimate Combo💰
Mobile App ➡️
Cloud Application ➡️
Dashboard Widgets ➡️
Sales Pipeline by Value
Sales Pipeline by Sales Person
Upcoming Activities
Overdue Activities
Total Revenue
Top Opportunities
Leads by Status
Leads by Source
Leads by Industry
Open Tickets
Note Pad
Custom Widget
Lead Management ➡️
Lead Conversion
Lead Form Website Integration
Commenting & Updates
Organisation Management ➡️
Create New Organisation
Opportunity Managementt
Contact Management
Quote Preparation
Export Quote & Invoice to PDF
Tax Configuration
Multiple Currencies
Tax Invoice
Recurring Invoicing
Document Upload
Calendar Management ➡️
Create multiple calendars
Create multiple To-Do lists
Share Calendars
Inventory Management ➡️
Product Creation
Service Creation
Price Books
Purchase Orders
Sales Orders
Project Management ➡️
View Project Summary
Create projects
Create Tasks
Comment on Projects
Campaign Management ➡️
Segment list by Leads
Segment list by Organisations
Segment list by Opportunities
Segment list by Activities
Bulk email to segmented lists
Builk Email Report
Reporting ➡️
Tabular Reporting
Automated Reporting
Workflow Management ➡️
Email Notification Management
SMS Notification Management
Scheduled Workflows
Plot 64 , Unit 19, GICP, Gaborone,
South Africa
21 Caversham Road, Pinetown, Durban,
South Africa

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